About | designCraft Advertising | Madison, WI
designCraft Advertising was founded in 1985 to restore the good name of advertising. We are committed to providing effective advertising and promotional services to independent businesses and nonprofits focused on equity, social justice, and sustainability. We strive to create advertising campaigns and marketing materials that are socially just and beneficial to consumers in Madison, Wisconsin, and beyond.
We are proudly certified as both Women Owned and a Small Business by the City of Madison. Our team has over 80 years of combined advertising experience. Our web developers are seasoned professionals capable of building customized, highly secure websites. Our graphic designers combine aesthetics and marketing know-how, and we have Google Analytics and Google Ads certified staff members, as well as social media experts and professional copywriters with national experience.
Our Team
Sue Cowan
Education: BS in biology & math, MBA
Experience: 30+ years as a credit union president & 20+ years of running a bookkeeping business
Specialties: accounting, finance
Can't get enough: beekeeping, horses, grandkids
Jackie Drake
digital media strategist
Education: BA in communications
Experience: five years digital marketing
Specialties: social media, copywriting
Can't get enough: playing video games, dancing, dogs
Valerie Haupt
software developer
Education: BS Music Business, UW Software Bootcamp Certification
Experience: 2 years web dev, 7 years small business, 5 years systems training/documentation
Specialties: front-end web dev, documentation
Can't get enough: video games, movies, baking
Jordan Jerabek
digital media director
Education: BA English, literature
Experience: seven years in marketing & writing
Specialties: social media, photography
Can't get enough: DJing, writing, hiking, biking, photography
Yvette Jones
president/creative director
Education: BA English, grad studies in creative writing
Experience: 40+ years in advertising
Specialties: creative direction, media plans, copywriting
Can't get enough: native plants, sewing, reading, fabric
Lisa Lombardo
senior designer
Education: BA studio art & French, MS environmental studies
Experience: 15+ years in design
Specialties: web & print design, icons
Can't get enough: biking, birding, learning languages
Andy White
director of technology
Education: BS computer science
Experience: 33 years of software development
Specialties: custom web portals & web applications
Can't get enough: hiking, paddling, yoga, writing
Joe Windeknecht
senior designer
Education: BA visual arts
Experience: 20 years in graphic design, both print & digital
Specialties: layout, typography, color theory
Can't get enough: dogs, retro video games, puns
Mike Zydowicz
marketing manager
Education: BBA marketing, BBA management, integrated liberal studies
Experience: 13 years of marketing and/or management
Specialties: project management, Google Analytics & Google Ads
Can’t get enough: homebrewing, gardening, biking
Coming Soon
digital media specialist
Education: ???
Experience: ???
Specialties: ???
Can't get enough: ???
Our Building
designCraft needed a central location for our offices, and this building beckoned. Prior to our move in 2006, this was used as a home. We worked with Barnett Architecture on the redesign, creating a workplace that reflects our creativity and supports our commitment to sustainability. We relish being a half block from Monona Bay, a twenty-minute walk from Downtown, and a bike ride from almost anywhere.
“A Revitalized Exterior Rebrands a Business”
“Wave Panel from McElroy is Key to Building's Award-winning Makeover”